This year more than ever, we have received the call to cultivate our resilience. How to overcome the obstacles that we encounter in order to move ahead, day by day? If we can see and honor ourselves for working through challenges rather than being foiled by problems, that is a start. Navigating through adversity can make us stronger if we notice what strengths we are building along the way. How we bounce back and learn lessons can also help us with developing a growth mindset. And lastly, looking at how we can reach out to others for support and connection as we continue to adjust, adapt and allow. Ease can be ours as we notice and make progress together.

What qualities do you want to cultivate in the New Year?

I feel excited to share my end of the year practice of choosing three words to help guide and sustain me in the New Year. I’ve done this the past eight years, as inspired by Wendy Palmer, an author on embodied leadership and aikido teacher. I start thinking about what qualities would help me to live a balanced, loving life, as I continue to make my way professionally and navigate through each day’s challenges. I write my three words on a 3x5 card and keep it next to my desk where I see them everyday. I return to these words as part of my foundation, the ground on which I stand. Last year I explored: Love. Embody. Rejoice. This year’s words started coming to me in mid-November and I’ve made them official for 2021: Resilience. Value. Renewal. What three words will help you come back to center this coming year?


Renée Riley-Adams

Renée, or “RARA” as she is known for her positivity and initials, is a Woman Within facilitator, and certified professional coach who served on the first Woman Within International board. She loves to honor and encourage herself and others. Renée began leading circles in 1997 and continues to be involved with online circle trainings. RARA created a circle for her two teenage daughters and was then asked by parents to create more circles, which she did for a decade. Renée has staffed A Couples Weekend many times with Rich & Char Tosi. Through her playfulness and creativity, Renée invites women to reflect, learn, draw healthy boundaries, and to trust themselves.

Join Renée in hope & resilience

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