Holding Court: Meet your own personal Archetypes

With Teresita Fawcett

This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with the Magician, Warrior, Lover, Crone and Queen that we all have within us and learn how to call on them to help us navigate our every day life

Who this session is for

It's YOU! (Yes, you!)

  • Anyone over 18, the recording is slightly geared toward women and everyone is welcome as we all hold both the masculine and the feminine

  • This session supports the work done on level 2, offering new tools to use with their archetypes and how they can support us in our every day lives.

What you will get from this session

  • Learn how to empower your Sovereign to call on the archetypes of your court, to support you in every day life

  • Your Warrior carries out the plan

  • Your Magician suggests a plan

  • Your Lover shows you how to connect to others to support the plan

  • Your Crone/Sage has your wisdom

  • Your Sovereign takes input from all the other archetypes in order to make decisions


Teresita Fawcett

As a certified facilitator in Woman Within and the Lead Guide for circles in Woman Within Eastern, I have dedicated my life to healing myself and others. All healing takes trust. I listen without judgement, I’m gentle when needed and I hold your feet to the fire when needed. I will stand with you until you have the strength to stand on your own. I will keep fighting for you.

What People are Saying

Unlocking my gifts

Teresita's Holding Court visualization has allowed me to connect with all the parts of myself, receive direction about my life, and unlock gifts in my journey. To this day, when I need guidance or comfort, I can "hold Court" and find what I need.

Forever blessed

There are times in your life when you look back and say- that really changed my life- or that person helped me see things I never looked at before- that for me, is Teresita. I am forever blessed because of my work with her.

Support, Insight and Wisdom

Teresita has been an invaluable guide along my path of spiritual and personal growth. She offers support, insight, and wisdom. Working with her, I've experienced many magical breakthroughs that have allowed me to step, again and again, into my higher, truer self. I am so grateful for her.

Enlightenment and open-heart healing

Teresita helped me with deep inner child work as well as showing me how to heal as a whole by holding court with all my archetypes. Teresita’s approach provides a safe space to get real and make long lasting changes. My work with Teresita has shifted me into enlightenment and open-heart healing, shifted my trauma-based reality and helped me see my life through a different lens.

The cost

Are you ready to get started?

Take the first step towards empowering your Sovereign to call on your archetypes to support you in everyday life