Feminine Leadership Summit

22 speakers on 22 subjects

  • (Re)defining feminine power

    Each women shares a topic, close to her heart, which she considers vital on her path to Feminine Leadership. Ultimately we explore how we all define, and redefine, feminine power

  • Exploring invaluable skills

    Explore invaluable feminine skills such as harnessing the archetypes in conflict resolution, listening deeply, and finding the place of authenticity and vulnerability in leadership

  • Impacting the world

    Though this summit, you will see and own the unique feminine wisdom & power within you, and from this place consider how you might bring about change in our world

Who this summit is for

  • Anyone and everyone!

  • There are no prerequisites to this offering

Watch Intro Video


Topics you will love!

  • Woman within vision of interdependence
  • Redefining my femininity
  • How to manifest your vision and dreams and be in action
  • The power of deep listening
  • Intuition, deep inner wisdom, receiving guidance and nudges from spirit
  • The power of empathy and compassion
  • Authenticity and vulnerability
  • Navigating career pivotal moments: waking up to your real purpose and true leadership
  • Being in balance in your masculine and feminine energy
  • The importance of connection and caring
  • The feminine archetypes in feminine leadership
  • Finding authentic connection: the power of circles of women
  • Magical recipe for leadership: simplicity, inspiration and courage
  • Opening to love
  • The feminine leader as a collaborator
  • Reclaiming our wholeness as leaders
  • The reluctant leader
  • The richness of diversity
  • Bringing the essence of me to my feminine leader
  • Journey to authentic leadership in a man’s world
  • Why it is essential for Woman Within Leaders to do their own deep work

Be inspired to become a force of change in our world

FREE - from our hearts to yours

There is a donation button at the end of the offering, should you wish to make a donation