Tips and Tricks: Two Women’s Best Practices for Team Leading

With Susan Owens & Becky Leyser

Susan and Becky invite you to join them as they look at the Woman Within Weekend from a Team Leader's perspective.

  • 36 years of wisdom

    Share in the combined wisdom of 36 years of experience on the Team Leading Staff for Woman Within

  • Adabtability

    Learn how to become adept at adapting to the quirks of a given camp to the protocols of the weekend

  • New tools

    Learn new tools and techniques to support you throughout the entire weekend.

Who this recorded workshop is for

  • Any current Team Leader

  • Any ATL who is interested in Team Leading and has ATLed at least twice

What you will get from this recorded workshop

  • Practice visualizing the weekend, an opportunity to walk through the Woman Within Weekend.

  • Explore factors to be considered when hosting the weekend at a new site.

  • Consider how spirituality might inform your work as a Team Leader.

  • Brainstorm best practices with other women who Team Lead.

  • A detailed Team Leader guide used by Becky and Susan.


Susan Owens

Susan Owens has been the Team Leader on more than 30 weekends throughout the world. Of those, 12 have been at new sites. She absolutely loves working with staff and has helped guide several Team-Leaders-in-Training during their journey to become effective Team Leaders. Susan’s intention is to TL each weekend with grace, humor, wisdom, and spiritual connection. She believes in the transformative power of the Woman Within Weekend and served on the Board of Woman Within Central USA for nine years, first as treasurer and then as president.


Becky Leyser

Becky Leyser went through the weekend in 2006 and has staffed 30 times, 14 as a Team Leader. She became a team leader in 2014 after being trained by Susan Owens and Lynn Knichel Largent. About ½ of the weekends she has led have been in new sites or sites used in a new configuration. Becky is a chaplain and spiritual director by trade and finds that the work of the weekend informs her ministry.

The cost

Are you ready to get started?

An opportunity for you to learn new insightful and practical tools, in your own time and pace..