3 Steps to Empower Your Relationships

With Christina Smith

Relationships don't have to be an emotional rollercoaster!
Join us for the three most effective ways to shift your relationships and feel more empowered in your connections.

  • If you've struggled in relationships because maybe you're like me and never had a very good example of connection, this is for you!

  • If you feel like some of your relationships are living on a drama rollercoaster and you don't know how to stop the ride, this is for you!

  • If you’ve ever just wanted relationships and friendships to be easier with more connection, this is your chance!

This is for you if...

  • You want loving, intimate connections that feel really good

  • You are exhausted of the drama in your relationship(s)

  • You are tired of being the care-taker of your relationship and want more

  • You think it's too late to change the pattern of your relationship

  • You find boundaries and asking for what you want to be hard (we'll simplify it)

After this webinar, you'll understand

  • What the biggest relationship struggles are so you can identify yours

  • Why we fall into relationship patterns so you can leave the rollercoaster behind

  • How we detangle from co-dependent behaviors and relationships so we build stronger, feel-good connection

  • Get clear on how to manage conflict so you feel confident about how you get through rough times

  • You will receive downloadable tools so you can empower your relationships... even if the other person doesn't participate.

Coach, Facilitator, Speaker

Christina Smith

I am a life coach for women who want to love the way they show up to life, their connections, and the world. We work on how to shift the inside, so you can more easily fall into self-love, confidence, and deeper connections, while making the impact you want to make in the world.
I invite women to embrace their human-ness - their thoughts, feelings, and core beliefs so they can have the life they aren't even willing to dream of yet. I show women that there isn't anything wrong with them just because they aren't feeling grateful or happy-- AND they don't have to settle for what they have because they think they should. The focus is on all the gold and gifts that make us divinely human.

What others are saying

I now authentically speak up

"I am now able to recognize or be more aware of what I'm feeling or needed at the moment and share these with my husband. I am also able to have more honest conversations with my husband, owning that I have a voice and have a choice to share or not share. I believe my husband has also shifted. I can see that he responds more honestly and will call me out on things (which is good) because it's usually a reflection of his triggers, which I had never seen before since he bottles most things inside."

Navigating change

Christina gave me the tools to negotiate moving into my boyfriend's house who lives with and takes care of his mother. Although living with your future mother-in-law is not usually someone’s ultimate dream, the tools we used helped me to draw boundaries and expectations for the move, so that I could feel more comfortable moving there. It turned a huge scary mess into manageable chunks of totally doable actions."

Major Relationship Shifts

"I’ve learned to turn within when there is discomfort in my relationships, to be more authentic & own my part of the relationships. It’s created visible shifts in my relationships. I’m able to be with friends without problem-solving and I can speak my boundaries in my marriage to meet my needs."

Payment Options

You can choose from the options the price that feels right for you.

This pre-recorded webinar has been gifted by Christina Smith to WWIL, so all monies generated will go towards scholarships for the Wisdom Hub.